Online Maternity Pack

Congratulation and welcome to our online maternity pack, if you have booked your first appointment with the midwife you will have been directed here.

You no longer need to attend the surgery to collect a paper copy of this information.

For a complete overview of what to expect in your pregnancy you can visit the NHS website.

Seeing your midwife

Our midwife on site is provided by University Hospitals of Derby and Burton; we have no control over when they attend the surgery to see patients.

You can contact the community midwives team on 07384914125.

You can see the midwife from 8 weeks of pregnancy to term; they will manage your care during this time.

If you have any clinical concerns please book in to see a GP on 01827 217799 or go online to arrange an appointment.

Choosing your place of delivery

As our midwives are provided by UHDoB please view their provided document on making choices on your care and where to have your baby.

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton have an excellent patient resource centre providing leaflets and guides available here covering all queries you may have during your pregnancy.

Screening tests for you and your baby

Public Health England has provided information explaining the screening tests offered during and after pregnancy.

You can read more on screening tests for you and your baby at PHE: Screening Tests For You and Your Baby.

Why your weight matters during pregnancy and after birth

This information is for you if you are overweight and are planning to become pregnant, expecting a baby or have recently given birth. It may also be helpful if you are a partner, relative or friend of someone who is in this situation.

Most women who are overweight have a straightforward pregnancy and birth and have healthy babies. However, being overweight or obese does increase the risk of complications to both you and your baby. You and your healthcare professionals can work together to reduce some of these risks.

You can download the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists Guide to monitoring your weight during pregnancy.

Application for charge exemption (Maternity)

For more information on maternity prescription charges please visit: